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Downloadable Calculator

The new Georgia Child Support Guidelines, O.C.G.A. Section 19-6-15, became effective January 1, 2007. The official calculator tools found at this site print the Child Support Worksheet and Schedules promulgated by the Georgia Child Support Commission.

Release Updates

Microsoft Excel Child Support Calculator Tool: The latest and most current release is version 6. The official printed Worksheet and Schedule forms will always reflect the most current version number. If you have not downloaded the most current version, please do so now.

Overview of the Microsoft Excel calculator tool

The downloadable Child Support Calculator is a Microsoft Excel workbook that includes:

1. Start Here
2. BCSO, the Basic Child Support Obligation Table
3. CS Worksheet(the Child Support Worksheet)
4. Schedule A - Gross Income
5. Schedule B - Adjusted Income
7. Schedule D - Additional Expenses
8. Schedule D Supplemental Tables, 2, 3 & 4
9. Schedule E - Deviation (Special Circumstances)
10. Schedule E Supplemental Tables, 2, 3 & 4

Important Update

Version 1 of the Microsoft Excel calculator tool required that users load the Analysis ToolPak before using the calculator.
It is no longer necessary for you to load the Analysis ToolPak.

Requirements to run the Microsoft Excel calculator tool on your computer

1. Microsoft Excel 2003 or newer.

Note: This calculator is not compatible with Corel Quattro Pro or other spreadsheet software programs.

2. Microsoft Excel Macros are enabled at the 'Medium' level.

The first time you open the Microsoft Excel calculator tool, you may see a message box displaying important information about Macro Security Settings for your computer. If this message box appears, please refer to the information provided below. If the message box does not display, please disregard the information provided below and proceed to the next section of information.

Your Macro security may be set to High or Very High.
If so, the macros were automatically disabled by the application. Use the following procedure to enable the macros:

Select the Tools menu option on the menu bar and select Macro and then Security. In the Security dialog box, set the security level to Medium by clicking the Medium radio button. Close all Microsoft Excel documents and the application that you are currently running on your computer. Leaving other Microsoft Excel documents open after this change will prevent the update of the Macros security change. It is recommended that you close all Microsoft Office related applications when you attempt to make changes to your security settings.

Open the application again and the Macros message box will display again. Click the Enable button when prompted to allow for the macros to run.

3. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is installed on your computer.

If VBA is not installed, it is not possible to enable VBA macros. Therefore, any VBA macro attempting to run cannot be run because the necessary macro interpreter is not installed on the system.

Two scenarios can cause this error:
A. Your administrator chose not to install VBA.
B. The version of Microsoft Office you are running does not install VBA by default.

If you are running an instance of Microsoft Office that does not provide VBA as an installable feature, you will need to upgrade your version of Microsoft Office to run VBA macros.

How the Microsoft Excel calculator tool works

You'll begin with reviewing the information under the "Start Here" tab. This tab gives you the basic steps to enter data. Begin your calculation by going to the CS Worksheet tab and entering your information. Yellow fields can have information entered, while white (locked) fields will not allow entry of information and are locked and password protected so that you may not change their contents. The following Microsoft Excel message will display if you attempt to enter data in a White protected field. Click "OK" to clear this message.

"The cell or chart you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only. To modify a protected cell or chart, first remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools Menu, Protection submenu). You may be prompted for a password."

You may progress through the fields by pressing the 'Tab' or 'Enter' buttons on your keyboard.

The next step is to complete Schedule A, where you will enter the gross income of the parents. Information you enter on Schedule A (and all other Schedules) will automatically populate the Worksheet. After completing Schedule A, proceed to Schedules B, D, and Schedule E, if applicable.

After you have completed all the necessary fields, you may save the document to your hard drive for later reference. You might choose to name the file by the case number or name of a party so that it has a unique file name. Then, simply print the Worksheet when needed to your local printer.

Benefits of the Microsoft Excel calculator tool

This version of the Child Support Calculator has several benefits:

1. Does not require an Internet connection (except to download).
2. Allows the user to visualize the worksheets as they are completed.
3. A file for each case can be saved separately and reopened and modified if necessary.
4. Allows the user to try different numbers and scenarios with ease when calculating child support obligation.

How to Download the Microsoft Excel calculator tool

To download this version of the Child Support Calculator, simply right-click on the link below, select 'Save Target As' from the context menu that appears, and then choose a location on your computer where you can easily access the file (suggestions: your desktop, your My Documents folder, etc.).

This file is not a standard .XLS file, but rather, is a Microsoft Excel Template .XLT file. Each time you save a calculation you should be prompted to save the file as an .XLS file so that you cannot overwrite the template.
Download Georgia's Excel Offline Child Support Calculator
(Microsoft Excel calculator tool with built in formulas)
Download Georgia's PDF Child Support Worksheet and Schedules (Hard copy PDF Worksheet and Schedule forms without built in formulas)
Select this link if you want to view a copy of the Georgia Child Support Guidelines Statute. Georgia Guidelines (O.C.G.A. 19-6-15).
  Helpful Links
  • Federal Child Support

  • Other State Sites

  • Georgia Child Support Services

  • Support Guidelines

  • Department of Family and Children Services