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    Civil Action Case No.   
Plaintiff   IV-D Case No.   
vs.   Initial Action Modification
    Modification Information
Initial Date of Final Child Support Order:  
Mother:  Father: 
Children for Whom Support is Being Determined in This Case
Excluded Name Birth Date Excluded Name Birth Date

Total Number of Children:   Noncustodial Parent:  

Submitted by:   Nonparent Custodian  

  Mother Father Total
1. Monthly Gross Income (from Schedule A, Line 23)
2. Monthly Adjusted Income
If either parent pays self-employment tax or pays child support under a Preexisting Order or is entitled to a credit for other qualified children living in the home, complete Schedule B and enter amount from Schedule B, Line 9 or Line 14 here.
Otherwise, enter amount form Line 1 here.
3. Pro Rata Shares of Combined Income:
On Line 2 above (Divide each parent's income by the combined income to find %)
4. Basic Child Support Obligation (from Table)
5. Pro rata shares of Basic Child Support Obligation
Multiply Line 4 by percentages on Line 3)
6. Adjustment for Work Related Child Care and Health Insurance Expenses
Complete Schedule D and enter amount from Schedule D, Line 5 here. If none, skip Schedule D and enter zero here.
7. Add Line 5 & 6 and enter results here.
8. Adjustment for Additional Expenses Paid
Insert amounts PAID by each parent for child care & children's insurance from Schedule D, Line 3, Columns (a) and (b).

  Mother Father Total
9a. Subtotal excluding Parenting Time Deviation
>If Line 8 is zero, carry down amount from Line 7.
>Otherwise, subtract Line 8 from Line 7. Identify the amount of the Parenting Time Deviation entered on Line 13, Schedule E for the Noncustodial Parent, and add back in that amount on this line.
9b. Subtotal including Parenting Time Deviation
>If a Parenting Time Deviation was claimed on Line 13, Schedule E, and, if Line 8 is zero, carry down the amount from Line 7.
>Otherwise, subtract Line 8 from Line 7.
The amount on Line 9(a) is the Presumptive Child Support Amount.
10. Deviations from Presumptive Child Support Amount
Enter amount from Schedule E, Line 14 here.
11. Subtotal
If Line 10 is zero, then enter amount on Line 9b here.
If Line 10 is positive (+), then add Line 10 to Line 9b and enter result here.
If Line 10 is negative (-), then subtract Line 10 from Line 9b and enter result here.
12. Social Security Payments
If children receive Title II benefits as dependents on a parent's account, enter the monthly amount in that parent's column here.
If none, enter zero.
13. If the amount on Line 12 is equal to or greater than Line 11, the child support responsibility is met and no further obligation is owed. Enter zero here.
Otherwise, subtract Line 12 from Line 11 and enter result here.
The amount on Line 13 is the Final Child Support Amount.
Uninsured Health Expenses
14. Uninsured Health Expenses
Carry down the percentage from Line 3 or enter the percentage otherwise ordered by the Court.

Schedules Attached Not Applicable
A Gross Income
B Adjusted Income
Schedule C is not in use and is intentionally left blank
D Additional Expenses
E Deviations from Presumptive Amount

Names of Parties:    vs.   

Submitted by:    Calculation Submission Date:   

Case #:   

Child Support Worksheet

  (a) Mother (b) Father Combined
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
If a parent receives TANF, please check the box and enter any amounts for Gross income below that apply.  
Gross Income (convert all amounts to monthly average)
1. Salary and Wages (Do not include means-tested public assistance, such as TANF or food stamps.)      
2. Commissions, Fees, Tips    
3. Income From Self Employment    
4. Bonuses    
5. Overtime Payments    
6. Severance pay    
7. Recurring Income from Pensions or Retirement Plans    
8. Interest Income    
9. Income from Dividends    
10. Trust Income    
11. Income from Annuities    
12. Capital Gains    
13. Social Security Disability or Retirement Benefits (Do not include SSI or payments for children)    
14. Worker's Compensation Benefits    
15. Unemployment Benefits    
16. Judgments from Personal Injury or Other Civil Cases    
17. Gifts (Cash or other gifts that can be converted to cash)    
18. Prizes/Lottery Winnings    
19. Alimony & maintenance from persons not in this case    
20. Assets which are used for support of family    
21. Fringe Benefits (If significantly reduce living expenses)    
22. Any Other Income, including Imputed Income (Do not include means-tested public assistance, such as TANF or food stamps.)    
Enter this amount on Line 1 of the Child Support Worksheet.

Please explain the basis for Other Income, including Imputed Income, as entered on Line 22 above for Mother and/or Father.

Names of Parties:    vs.   

Submitted by:    Calculation Submission Date:   

Case #:   

Child Support ScheduleA

  (a) Mother (b) Father
1. Total Gross Monthly Income (Schedule A, Line 23)
Self Employment Tax Adjustment
2. Monthly Self-Employment Income on which parent pays Self Employment Taxes for FICA & Medicare
3. For FICA, multiply Line 2 above by .062 (For maximum amount of self-employment income subject to Social Security tax, see IRS Publication 533 for the current taxable year).
4. For Medicare tax, multiply Line 2 above by 0.0145 and enter results here.
5. Add Line 3 & 4 and enter results here.
6. Subtract Line 5 from Line 1 and enter results here.
Adjustment for Preexisting Child Support Orders Being Paid for Other Children
For each Preexisting Order, list the required information and the amount actually paid monthly. (Do not include arrears payments.)
Court Name Court Case # Names and Birthdates of Children Initial Date of Order Preexisting Child Support Amount Paid by Mother Preexisting Child Support Amount Paid by Father
8. Total Adjustment for Preexisting Child Support Orders (Add all Preexisting Child Support amounts identified in Line 7)
9. Subtract Line 8 from Line 6. If a discretionary adjustment is being claimed for other qualified children living in the home, complete Page 2. Otherwise, enter this amount on Line 2 of the Child Support Worksheet.
Discretionary Adjustment to Income for Other Qualified Children Living in Parent's Home

The Court has the discretion to consider an Adjustment to Income for other qualified children under this section for the purpose of reducing the parent's gross income if failure to consider an adjustment would cause substantial hardship to the parent.
If the Court considers an Adjustment to Income under this section, then the Court must also consider whether this Adjustment to Income is in the best interest of the child(ren) in this action.
Adjustment may be considered only for other qualified children who meet ALL FIVE of the following requirements:

A. The parent is legally responsible for the qualified child (Step children do not qualify);

B. The qualified child lives in the parent's home;
C. The parent is actually supporting the qualified child;
D. The qualified child is not subject to a Preexisting Child Support Order; and
E. The qualified child is not currently before the court to set, modify or enforce child support.
Adjustment for other QUALIFIED children pursuant to the five factors listed above
10. Name Birth Date Mark X if Mother is Claiming Credit Mark X if Father is Claiming Credit
Total Number of other QUALIFIED children for whom credit is being claimed     0   0
*Explanation for including Other Qualified Children
Enter a comment here explaining why you have included an Other Qualified Child in the Current Court Case.
11. Bring down amount from Line 6 above (Gross Income less Self-Employment tax only) for the parent(s) seeking adjustment.
12. Using the Basic Child Support Obligation Table, enter the Basic Child Support Obligation for the number of children on Line 10 and the income amount on Line 11 for only the parent seeking the adjustment.
13. Enter 75% of the amount on Line 12 for the parent seeking the adjustment.
14. If this adjustment is allowed, subtract Line 13 from Line 9 and enter this amount on Line 2 of the Child Support Worksheet.

Names of Parties:    vs.   

Submitted by:    Calculation Submission Date:   

Case #:   

Child Support ScheduleB

  (a) Mother(b) Father(c) Nonparent Custodian(d) Combined
1.Child Care Expenses Necessary for Parent's Employment, Education or Vocational Training.   Enter monthly average amount paid by each Parent (or Nonparent Custodian) for child care for the children for whom support is being determined from all Supplemental Tables (Line 7 for Mother, Line 13 for Father, and Line 19 for Nonparent Custodian)
2.Health Insurance Premiums Paid for the Children
Enter monthly amount paid or will be paid by each parent, or amount paid by Nonparent Custodian, for health insurance premium.
If the children's portion of the premium is not known, divide the total health insurance premium by the number of persons covered, then multiply that by the number of covered children for whom support is being determined and enter that amount.
3.Total Monthly Additional Expenses (Line 1 + Line 2)
4.Pro Rata Share of Parents' Income (from Child Support Worksheet Line 3)
5.Pro Rata Share of Additional Expenses.
(Multiply total amount in Column (d) of Line 3 by percentages in Line 4 above.) Enter result on Line 6 of Child Support Worksheet.
Supplemental Table 1. Use these tables to calculate amounts for Line 1 Schedule D. For additional children use Supplemental Table 2.
1.Children's Names -->
Child Care Paid by Mother
2.Total yearly amount paid for child care during school
3.Total yearly amount paid for child care during summer break
4.Total yearly amount paid for child care during other school breaks
5.Total yearly amount of child care (e.g., child care for pre-school age child or child with disability)
6.Total Yearly Amounts
7.Monthly Average (Divide Line 6 by 12)
Child Care Paid by Father
8.Total yearly amount paid for child care during school
9.Total yearly amount paid for child care during summer break
10.Total yearly amount paid for child care during other school breaks
11.Total yearly amount of child care (e.g., child care for pre-school age child or child with disability)
12.Total Yearly Amounts
13.Monthly Average (Divide Line 12 by 12)
Child Care Paid by Nonparent Custodian
14.Total yearly amount paid for child care during school
15.Total yearly amount paid for child care during summer break
16.Total yearly amount paid for child care during other school breaks
17.Total yearly amount of child care (e.g., child care for pre-school age child or child with disability)
18.Total Yearly Amounts
19.Monthly Average (Divide Line 18 by 12)

Names of Parties:    vs.   

Submitted by:    Calculation Submission Date:   

Case #:   

Child Support ScheduleD

Deviation (Special Circumstances)
Special CircumstancesMotherFatherCombined
A.For each section completed, provide monthly amounts or other information as required.
Low Income Deviation with Self Support Reserve
Complete this section if Noncustodial Parent's Gross Income is at or below $1,850/month.
Otherwise skip this entire section and begin at Line 2(a) of Schedule E.
 1(a).If Gross Income of Noncustodial Parent is at or below $1,850/month, enter that parent's Adjusted Income from Child Support Worksheet, Line 2 here.
If Gross Income of Custodial Parent is at or below $1,850/month, enter that parent's Adjusted Income from Child Support Worksheet, Line 2 here.
1(b).Self Support Reserve - enter $900 here for each parent.   
1(c).Income available for support. Subtract Line 1(b) from Line 1(a), and enter result here.   
1(d).Parent's Share of Presumptive Child Support Award (Child Support Worksheet Line 9)   
1(e).Lesser of Line 1(c) and Line 1(d) in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column only.   
1(f).Minimum amount of child support when applying Low Income Deviation - enter $75 here for Noncustodial Parent only.   
1(g).If Line 1(e) is greater than Line 1(f), enter amount from Line 1(e) in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column.
If Line 1(f) is greater than Line 1(e), enter amount from Line 1(f) in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column.
1(h).If CUSTODIAL Parent is considered a low income person (at or below $1,850 gross income per month) AND Line 1(c) for CUSTODIAL Parent is less than Line 1(d) for CUSTODIAL Parent, the NONCUSTODIAL Parent is not allowed a deviation for self-support reserve. In this case, enter Line 1(d) for NONCUSTODIAL Parent in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column. Otherwise, if Line 1(c) for CUSTODIAL Parent is greater than or equal to Line 1(d) for CUSTODIAL Parent, enter Line 1(g) for NONCUSTODIAL Parent in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column.    
1(i).Subtract Line 1(h) from Line 1(d) for the NONCUSTODIAL Parent. This is the amount of deviation.   

Deviation (Special Circumstances)
Special CircumstancesMotherFatherNonparent CustodianCombined
High Income and Other Amounts
Enter in this section any recommended deviations that apply. Enter a number for increases. Otherwise, indicate a negative number (-) for decreases.
 2(a).High Income - Combined Adjusted Income greater than $30,000/month from Line 2 on Child Support Worksheet   
(a)Mother(b)FatherCourt or Jury
Allowable Deviations
*(c)Mother *(d)Father
2(b).Deviation Based on High Income       
3.Other Health Related Insurance (dental, vision)       
4.Life Insurance       
5.Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit       
6.Visitation Related Travel Expenses       
7.Alimony PAID       
8.Mortgage (if Noncustodial Parent is providing cost of home where child resides)       
9.Permanency Plan or Foster Care Plan       
10.Other - Non-specific Deviations       
11.Total recommended deviation based on the amounts entered above on Lines 2(b) through 10. (Total can be a negative number.)       
Deviation (Special Circumstances)
 MotherFatherNonparent CustodianCombined
Extraordinary and Special Expenses - Complete Supplemental Tables
 12(a).Extraordinary Educational Expenses
Add all Total amounts from Line 9(a) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Mother's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 9(b) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Father's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 9(c) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Nonparent�s column.
12(b).Extraordinary Medical Expenses
Add all Total amounts from Line 14(a) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Mother's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 14(b) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Father's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 14(c) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Nonparent's column.
12(c).Allowable Special Expenses
Enter amount from Line 28 of Supplemental Table 1 in Mother's column.
Enter amount from Line 29 of Supplemental Table 1 in Father's column.
Enter amount from Line 30 of Supplemental Table 1 in Nonparent's column.
12(d).Total Extraordinary and Allowable Special Expenses (Add Lines 12(a), 12(b) and 12(c) and enter results here.)       
12(e).Parent's Pro Rata Share of Income (from Child Support Worksheet Line 3)      
12(f).Multiply Line 12(d) Combined amount by percentages for each Parent on Line 12(e) and enter results here for each Parent, and enter the total result under column (d) Combined.     
12(g).Subtract Line 12(d) from Line 12(f). This is the deviation amount for each Parent for Extraordinary Expenses.     
Parenting Time Deviation
(Complete only if Parenting Time Deviation is being considered for Noncustodial Parent)
 13.Enter amount of Parenting Time Adjustment deviation here. (Deviation is deducted from the Noncustodial Parent's Basic Child Support Obligation on Child Support Worksheet Line 5.) If no Parenting Time Adjustment deviation applies, then enter zero here.
(Do not enter a negative number.)
Total Allowable Deviation
 14.Total Allowable Deviations - Add or subtract the allowable deviations on Line1(i), 11, and 12(g) together, if any apply. Enter the total here and on Child Support Worksheet Line 10. (The total can be a negative number)     

Deviation (Special Circumstances)
B.Would the presumptive amount be unjust or inappropriate? Explain
C.Would deviation serve the best interests of the children for whom support is being determined? Explain
D.Would deviation seriously impair the ability of the CUSTODIAL Parent or NONPARENT Custodian to maintain minimally adequate housing, food and clothing for the children being supported by the order and to provide other basic necessities? Explain
Deviation (Special Circumstances)
Supplemental Table 1. Use these tables to calculate amount for Line 12 Schedule E. For additional children use Supplemental Table 2.
1.Children's Names  -->                
Extraordinary Educational ExpensesPaid by Totals
2.Total yearly amount paid for Tuition, Room & Board, Fees and BooksMother    
3.Total yearly amount paid for Other Extraordinary Educational ExpensesMother    
4.Total yearly amount paid for Tuition, Room & Board, Fees and BooksFather    
5.Total yearly amount paid for Other Extraordinary Educational ExpensesFather    
6.Total yearly amount paid for Tuition, Room & Board, Fees and BooksNonparent Custodian    
7.Total yearly amount paid for Other Extraordinary Educational ExpensesNonparent Custodian    
8.Total Yearly Amounts     
9.Monthly Average (Divide Line 8 by 12)    
9(a).Mother's monthly Extraordinary Educational Expenses Mother    
9(b).Father's monthly Extraordinary Educational Expenses Father    
9(c).Nonparent's monthly Extraordinary Educational Expenses Nonparent Custodian    
Extraordinary Medical ExpensesPaid by Totals
10.Total yearly amount paid for extraordinary medical expensesMother    
11.Total yearly amount paid for extraordinary medical expensesFather    
12.Total yearly amount paid for extraordinary medical expensesNonparent Custodian    
13.Total Yearly Amounts     
14.Monthly Average (Divide Line 13 by 12)    
14(a).Mother's monthly Extraordinary Medical Expenses Mother    
14(b).Father's monthly Extraordinary Medical Expenses Father    
14(c).Nonparent's monthly Extraordinary Medical Expenses Nonparent Custodian    
Deviation (Special Circumstances)
Special Expenses for Child Rearing (including, but not limited to summer camp, music or art lessons, travel, band, clubs, athletics, etc.)Paid by Totals
15.Total yearly amount paid for Special ExpensesMother    
16.Total yearly amount paid for Special ExpensesFather    
17.Total yearly amount paid for Special ExpensesNonparent Custodian    
18.Total Yearly Amounts( Add Lines 15, 16 & 17)     
19.Monthly Average (Divide Line 18 by 12)    
Deviation (Special Circumstances)
7 Percent Test to Calculate Allowable ExpensesPaid by Totals
20.Mother's Total Yearly amount paid for Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Add all Total amounts from Line 15 of each Supplemental Table and enter here.
21.Father's Total Yearly amount paid for Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Add all Total amounts from Line 16 of each Supplemental Table and enter here.
22.Nonparent's Total Yearly amount paid for Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Add all Total amounts from Line 17 of each Supplemental Table and enter here.
Nonparent Custodian 
23.Total Yearly Amounts (Add Lines 20, 21 & 22)   
24.Monthly Average (Divide Line 23 by 12)  
25.Basic Child Support Obligation (from Line 4 of Child Support Worksheet)  
26.Special Expenses Limitation (Multiply Line 25 x 7% (.07)) 
27.If Line 24 is greater than Line 26, then subtract Line 26 from Line 24, enter difference here. If Line 24 is less than Line 26, then enter zero here. 
28.Mother's Monthly Allowable Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Divide Line 20 by Line 23 to obtain Mother's Pro-rata share of the Special Expenses.
Multiply Mother's Pro-rata percentage by the amount on Line 27 and enter amount here.
29.Father's Monthly Allowable Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Divide Line 21 by Line 23 to obtain Father's Pro-rata share of the Special Expenses.
Multiply Father's Pro-rata percentage by the amount on Line 27 and enter amount here.
30.Nonparent's Monthly Allowable Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Divide Line 22 by Line 23 to obtain Nonparent's Pro-rata share of the Special Expenses.
Multiply Nonparent's Pro-rata percentage by the amount on Line 27 and enter amount here.

Names of Parties:    vs.   

Submitted by:    Calculation Submission Date:   

Case #:   

Child Support ScheduleE


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