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Deviation (Special Circumstances) - Schedule E  

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  Schedule E


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Frequency Calculator Tool
The Frequency Calculator tool will convert income or payments to weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly and yearly amounts.
Click the link below to use the Frequency Calculator tool.

Frequency Calculator Tool

A.For each section completed, provide monthly amounts or other information as required.
(a) Mother(b) FatherCombined
Low Income Deviation with Self Support Reserve
Complete this section if Noncustodial Parent's Gross Income is at or below $1,850/month.
Otherwise skip this entire section and begin at Line 2(a) of Schedule E.
1a.If Gross Income of Noncustodial Parent is at or below $1,850/month, enter that parent's Adjusted Income from Child Support Worksheet, Line 2 here.
If Gross Income of Custodial Parent is at or below $1,850/month, enter that parent's Adjusted Income from Child Support Worksheet, Line 2 here.

1b.Self Support Reserve - enter $900 here for each parent.

1c.Income available for support. Subtract Line 1(b) from Line 1(a), and enter result here.

1d.Parent's Share of Presumptive Child Support Award (Child Support Worksheet Line 9)

1e.Lesser of Line 1(c) and Line 1(d) in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column only.

1f.Minimum amount of child support when applying Low Income Deviation - enter $75 here for Noncustodial Parent only.

1g.If Line 1(e) is greater than Line 1(f), enter amount from Line 1(e) in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column.
If Line 1(f) is greater than Line 1(e), enter amount from Line 1(f) in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column.

1h.If CUSTODIAL Parent is considered a low income person (at or below $1,850 gross income per month) AND Line 1(c) for CUSTODIAL Parent is less than Line 1(d) for CUSTODIAL Parent, the NONCUSTODIAL Parent is not allowed a deviation for self-support reserve. In this case, enter Line 1(d) for NONCUSTODIAL Parent in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column. Otherwise, if Line 1(c) for CUSTODIAL Parent is greater than or equal to Line 1(d) for CUSTODIAL Parent, enter Line 1(g) for NONCUSTODIAL Parent in NONCUSTODIAL Parent's column.

1i.Subtract Line 1(h) from Line 1(d) for the NONCUSTODIAL Parent. This is the amount of deviation.

High Income and Other Amounts
Enter in this section any recommended deviations that apply. Enter a number for increases. Otherwise, indicate a negative number (-) for decreases.
2a.High Income - Combined Adjusted Income greater than $30,000/month from Line 2 on Child Support Worksheet

Court or Jury
Allowable Deviations
(a) Mother(b) Father*(c) Mother*(d) Father
2b.Deviation Based on High Income

3.Other Health Related Insurance (dental, vision)

4.Life Insurance

5.Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

6.Visitation Related Travel Expenses

7.Alimony PAID

8.Mortgage (if Noncustodial Parent is providing cost of home where child resides)

9.Permanency Plan or Foster Care Plan

10.Other - Non-specific Deviations

11.Total recommended deviation based on the amounts entered above on Lines 2(b) through 10. (Total can be a negative number.)

Extraordinary and Special Expenses - Complete Supplemental Tables
12a.Extraordinary Educational Expenses
Add all Total amounts from Line 9(a) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Mother's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 9(b) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Father's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 9(c) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Nonparent�s column.

12b.Extraordinary Medical Expenses
Add all Total amounts from Line 14(a) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Mother's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 14(b) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Father's column.
Add all Total amounts from Line 14(c) of each Supplemental Table and enter amount in Nonparent's column.

12c.Allowable Special Expenses
Enter amount from Line 28 of Supplemental Table 1 in Mother's column.
Enter amount from Line 29 of Supplemental Table 1 in Father's column.
Enter amount from Line 30 of Supplemental Table 1 in Nonparent's column.

12d.Total Extraordinary and Allowable Special Expenses (Add Lines 12(a), 12(b) and 12(c) and enter results here.)

12e.Parent's Pro Rata Share of Income (from Child Support Worksheet Line 3)%%%

12f.Multiply Line 12(d) Combined amount by percentages for each Parent on Line 12(e) and enter results here for each Parent, and enter the total result under column (d) Combined.

12g.Subtract Line 12(d) from Line 12(f). This is the deviation amount for each Parent for Extraordinary Expenses.

Parenting Time Deviation
(Complete only if Parenting Time Deviation is being considered for Noncustodial Parent)
13.Enter amount of Parenting Time Adjustment deviation here. (Deviation is deducted from the Noncustodial Parent's Basic Child Support Obligation on Child Support Worksheet Line 5.) If no Parenting Time Adjustment deviation applies, then enter zero here.
(Do not enter a negative number.)

Total Allowable Deviation

14.Total Allowable Deviations - Add or subtract the allowable deviations on Line1(i), 11, and 12(g) together, if any apply. Enter the total here and on Child Support Worksheet Line 10. (The total can be a negative number)

*Would the presumptive amount be unjust or inappropriate? Explain
*Would deviation serve the best interests of the children for whom support is being determined? Explain
*Would deviation seriously impair the ability of the CUSTODIAL Parent or NONPARENT Custodian to maintain minimally adequate housing, food and clothing for the children being supported by the order and to provide other basic necessities? Explain
Supplemental Table 1. Use these tables to calculate amount for Line 12 Schedule E. For additional children use Supplemental Table 2.
1.Children's NamesTotals

Extraordinary Educational Expenses
2.Total yearly amount paid for Tuition, Room & Board, Fees and BooksMother

3.Total yearly amount paid for Other Extraordinary Educational ExpensesMother

4.Total yearly amount paid for Tuition, Room & Board, Fees and BooksFather

5.Total yearly amount paid for Other Extraordinary Educational ExpensesFather

6.Total yearly amount paid for Tuition, Room & Board, Fees and BooksNonparent Custodian

7.Total yearly amount paid for Other Extraordinary Educational ExpensesNonparent Custodian

8.Total Yearly Amounts 

9.Monthly Average (Divide Line 8 by 12) 

9a.Mother's monthly Extraordinary Educational Expenses  

9b.Father's monthly Extraordinary Educational Expenses  

9c.Nonparent's monthly Extraordinary Educational Expenses  

Extraordinary Medical Expenses
10.Total yearly amount paid for extraordinary medical expensesMother

11.Total yearly amount paid for extraordinary medical expensesFather

12.Total yearly amount paid for extraordinary medical expensesNonparent Custodian

13.Total Yearly Amounts 

14.Monthly Average (Divide Line 13 by 12) 

14a.Mother's monthly Extraordinary Medical Expenses  

14b.Father's monthly Extraordinary Medical Expenses  

14c.Nonparent's monthly Extraordinary Medical Expenses  

Special Expenses for Child Rearing (including, but not limited to summer camp, music or art lessons, travel, band, clubs, athletics, etc.)
15.Total yearly amount paid for Special ExpensesMother

16.Total yearly amount paid for Special ExpensesFather

17.Total yearly amount paid for Special ExpensesNonparent Custodian

18.Total Yearly Amounts( Add Lines 15, 16 & 17) 

19.Monthly Average (Divide Line 18 by 12) 

7 Percent Test to Calculate Allowable Expenses

20.Mother's Total Yearly amount paid for Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Add all Total amounts from Line 15 of each Supplemental Table and enter here.

21.Father's Total Yearly amount paid for Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Add all Total amounts from Line 16 of each Supplemental Table and enter here.

22.Nonparent's Total Yearly amount paid for Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Add all Total amounts from Line 17 of each Supplemental Table and enter here.

23.Total Yearly Amounts (Add Lines 20, 21 & 22)

24.Monthly Average (Divide Line 23 by 12)

25.Basic Child Support Obligation (from Line 4 of Child Support Worksheet)

26.Special Expenses Limitation (Multiply Line 25 x 7% (.07))

27.If Line 24 is greater than Line 26, then subtract Line 26 from Line 24, enter difference here. If Line 24 is less than Line 26, then enter zero here.

28.Mother's Monthly Allowable Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Divide Line 20 by Line 23 to obtain Mother's Pro-rata share of the Special Expenses.
Multiply Mother's Pro-rata percentage by the amount on Line 27 and enter amount here.

29.Father's Monthly Allowable Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Divide Line 21 by Line 23 to obtain Father's Pro-rata share of the Special Expenses.
Multiply Father's Pro-rata percentage by the amount on Line 27 and enter amount here.

30.Nonparent's Monthly Allowable Special Expenses for Child Rearing.
Divide Line 22 by Line 23 to obtain Nonparent's Pro-rata share of the Special Expenses.
Multiply Nonparent's Pro-rata percentage by the amount on Line 27 and enter amount here.

Not Applicable

Check this box to EXCLUDE this entire
Schedule from the calculation.